Before and after retirement is an excellent time to prepare the house for what might come next in life—before any significant health issues appear. Choosing to Age in Place earlier in life using Universal Design techniques means a family can longer enjoy the home without obstruction. Their relatives, visitors, and children have peace of mind assured the aging loved ones or the chronically ill are safer living at home.
Everyone planning to remain in their existing home to Age in Place is looking for safety, security, familiarity, ease of use, and comfort. Homeowners and their families should immediately plan for their future housing needs and work from an Aging in Place design checklist. The current housing inventory does not offer the features needed for safety and accessibility in the numbers required to accommodate the growing demand creating a need for home modifications and a niche market. Savvy homeowners and their family have weighed the costs of institutional living compared to their home’s expenses. They also realize the difference in adhering to stringent rules in an institutional facility instead of independently and freely residing in their present home.

The truth is, with professional help, you can adapt almost any home environment to enable you and everyone else in the family to live within it safely to the fullest extent. Aging in place design is not age-related because disability can instantly strike any family member of any age. The need for increased home accessibility is the common thread in any situation. Universal Design or inclusive design is a design and building pathway making homes more accessible to all regardless of their age, mobility, or ability when appropriately used. The Universal Design process offers a seamless path for Aging in Place providing help for those with a sudden disability. It additionally addresses the requirements of special needs families or multigenerational living situations. The elements of Universal Design provide common sense solutions for diverse living conditions.
Regardless of size or ability, people are becoming more familiar with Universal Design and Aging in Place when considering a home remodeling project. Some people use these words interchangeably, but while they are similar in nature, they do differ because of the time they are performed. Both are specific design techniques used in making a home more comfortable and accessible for individuals of different abilities. Universal Design deals more with customized new dwellings and a proactive remodeling approach for people desiring to Age in Place prior to any health issues taking over their life. Comparatively, Aging in Place home modifications strictly involve the remodeling of existing homes to accommodate physical needs brought on by sudden health issues in a reactive manner. The costs for both processes represent a beneficial investment in your home for future needs as opposed to merely spending involving aesthetically pleasing remodeling projects.
As an Aging in Place Specialist and one of Austin's premier Aging in Place contractors, I came to realize existing homes typically contain cramped, twisting hallways with narrow doorways, bathrooms without adequate maneuvering space for decreased usability, kitchens without accessible storage and workspaces, and stepped home entries. These are all common home design flaws. Every one of these common household problematic areas falls short of any Aging in Place design features. Hence, the home building industry has always lacked inclusion for all homeowners with their ever-changing needs.

As a Certified Aging in Place Specialist CAPS(#1636580), I am confident my book, "Age in Place at Home", introduces you to a new way of thinking about your home's future. It acts a guide for solving diverse home needs for all people affected by varying physical conditions and aging. I decided to write this book due to many customer requests for a summation of suggestions to improve their home's accessibility, comfort, usefulness, and sustainability and, ideas they could share with others. The book is full of Aging in Place design guidelines gleaned from witnessing years of shortcomings in traditional homes. I based the information provided on countless past home walkthroughs and home assessments. Within my book, you can discover room-by-room the benefits of using the principles of Universal Design and how to incorporate them periodically throughout your living environment at your own pace. I furthermore guide you through a home, making suggestions for what will increase your and your family's future accessibility. You will notice the chapters involving the bathroom and kitchen are very extensive. They represent the most important rooms to consider when planning to Age in Place. The most utilized rooms in our homes must accommodate all diverse residents and visitors.
Would you please not allow your home to hold you or any of your loved ones captive within its walls. Learn how to enable your home to conform to you and the needs of your family. Please think ahead positively and proactively while preparing for the future. IT JUST MAKES GOOD SENSE.

According to the 2000 census, nearly 50 million people in the United States have some type of disability. Of this group, 6.8 million have a condition that makes it difficult to bathe, dress and get around the inside of their own homes. T-Square Company has the training and knowledge to help with disabilities because we are a Certified Aging in Place Specialist (CAPS).
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Age in Place at Home
I feel the information contained within my book, "Age In Place At Home" is so important for families searching to find answers concerning their traditional home once any family member has experienced health changes interrupting the family's daily cadence. These changes might include a broken limb, the affects of a constantly degenerative disease like MS, or a stroke, just to name a few. Once the afflicted person can no longer enter their bedroom or have adequate use of at least one bathroom's facilities, the family is aware their home has an architectural problem. The interrupted family becomes aware they need some sort of home modifications to help cope with the personal changes of the affected family member, but do not know where to turn for help. This is where the book comes into play. The news of my book's availability warranted reposting because it is an invaluable reference tool for any family unit going forward in reference to their home's possible modifications to increase accessibility. After over a year of writing to fulfill my customers' requests, my new book, "Age in Place At Home," is available for purchase from Amazon. Go to the link below to order my paperback book, which was released in late November, 2022. It provides a great guideline for using the principles of Universal Design in new home construction and/or remodeling for every room in your home to accentuate universal accessibility for those needing it the most. Get your copy today.
A home's adaptability is one of the most desired qualities within a person's home during some point in their life as their or their family's physical needs change. The need for specific modifications to enhance accessibility can be short term while recovering from an accident or illness at any age, or these home alterations may become permanent. The special individual needs within a family may concern an adult or a child. Universal design principles don't discriminate between any family members regardless of age, size, or ability because they are inclusive. Hence, every family member is accounted for. Learn how to adapt your home environment to satisfy your family's needs in David Traut's new book, "Age in Place at Home".

T-Square Company, in Austin, Texas, practices Universal Design/Build ideas for accessibility to seamlessly segue into what is generally needed for Aging in Place. The essence of my book is to advise people so they understand why our traditional homes are obsolete to us, the homeowners, the minute they are completed and we take possession. The book offers advice to overcome these overwhelmingly problematic areas of the home. This understated and overlooked fact is represented by the methodology used to create the traditional home. These homes are built to satisfy our immediate lifestyle and physical needs on the day we close on the house, with no regard for the future. The new home lacks adaptability to satisfy our needs once our bodies physically change beyond the purchase date. If we had incorporated the Universal Design principles into these new homes, those same homes would adapt to our changing family needs including every inhabitant regardless of age, size, or ability. The lack of home adaptability is not the consumers fault, they have always been unaware of how to reference the problem and accepted what the housing market produced. They were unaware of what to ask for. Hence, the status-quo of homebuilding has been perpetuated for over a hundred years.
T-Square Company offers all types of Universal Design home modifications to better prepare you and your family for your unforeseeable future home accessibility needs on a design/build basis. It is a fact, existing, traditional homes must be modified to increase their accessibility using correct designs. Become aware and embrace the knowledge that the principles of Universal Design offer greater home accessibility for every one of your home members, from your father to your son. This is why the process is known as inclusive design.
David L. Traut, CAPS, has been involved with accessibility for nearly thirty years for the VA, HUD, and private residences. He is nationally certified in Universal Design in the United States and Australia. Contact him at 512-444-0097 for a professional home assessment to guide your future accessibility needs or at www.tsquareco.com. Simply fill out your information on the contact us page.
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A universal design-build project is appealing to all users. When correctly applied, any home area will be accented universally with stylish function and appears virtually invisible. Bathrooms, kitchens, family rooms, and bedrooms will all benefit the homeowner once the principles of Universal Design are applied. Examples of increased usability provided by Universal Design include wider doorways and hallways, enhanced lighting, non-slip flooring, contrasting colors within rooms, more accessible electrical controls and devices, curb-less showers, lever door hardware, more pull-out shelves, and drawers over cabinet doors, varying cabinet top heights, and water faucets and controls operable by a single hand or closed fist. Be advised, Universal design ideas do not strictly deal with accessibility or Aging in Place design. They do not implement precise ADA standards, but offers flexibility to add accessories now and later to those planning or the end user.
David L. Traut, CAPS (1636580), the president and owner of T-Square Company, is accredited in Universal Design in the United States and Australia and has written many papers on the subject. David not only practices integrating Universal Design in his local design/build projects, but he acts as a consultant directing customers who live out of his service area. He has now published a book covering how Universal Design overcomes today's problematic living situations within traditional homes due to their association with status-quo building concepts. Additionally, Universal Design offers a common-sense gateway for increasing accessibility and adaptability in future homes. T-Square Company in Austin, Texas has been offering design/build accessibility projects to their clients incorporating the principles of Universal Design for over twenty-five years. They specialize in Universal Design Ideas.
Universal Design construction or inclusive construction is used when a homeowner is smartly preparing for future life changes and want to remain in their existing home. The most significant advantage of using this innovative concept is that it smoothly prepares a home for Aging in Place. By gradually applying elements of Universal Design during periodic home remodeling projects, those specific home areas affected are Age in Place ready without being noticed until needed. The concept provides various human performance characteristics for people using spaces within their homes, including well-integrated usability features. These adaptations have a broad market appeal to everyone for achieving ease of use, safety, and convenience, accommodating an inevitable reality. The effects of a disability, aging and disease are tempered because adaptability is built into the design. The reality is that all people exist along a continuum of human performance as per their traits and characteristics, regardless of their age. A universal approach to design considers that everyone has varying degrees of ability and disability rather than someone who is either fully functional or disabled.

David L. Traut, CAPS, the owner-president of T-Square Company has published a book entitled "Age in Place at Home :Adapting the Home Environment for All Generations". The book is available through Amazon. This book covers identifying and overcoming common accessibility shortcomings found within a traditional home. Within it's pages, David takes you through a home's interior showing you how and where to apply Universal Design aspects in every room. Since Universal Design seamlessly segues into Aging in Place needs, it is a how-to book worth reading. Incorporating Universal Design principles into your home facilitate future Aging in Place goals, while comfortably addressing the diverse needs of all ages and mobility levels living within your home at any time. This book is a great reference for aging homeowners, parents of special needs children, homeowners moving in their elderly parents, and multi-generational living situations. Always remember, home accessibility is not exclusively age-related, but it must be appropriate for those needing it the most.
Universal Design construction and Aging in Place home modifications are available through T-Square Company in SW Austin, Texas. Each universal design/build project is customized to the homeowner's needs. Call 512-444-0097 today to prepare for the accessible second chapter of your life while remaining safe and secure in your existing home. T-Square Company will design and build an adapted living environment customized around your abilities. Whether your project concerns home modifications, an accessible addition or wing, or new construction, they can help you increase your accessibility. T-Square Company has over three decades of building and remodeling experience practicing as a disability contractor for people with special needs. They want to help their clients be as self-sufficient and independent as possible by offering handicap accessible floor plans. Let them show you how to increase safety and accessibility within your living environment.
After so long a time of blogging, soap box deliveries, and conversations with customers and other builders concerning the importance of Universal Design in the future of our home building industry, others have listened and agreed. David was humbled to find this article published in the Austin American Statesman. He takes pride in the fact that people are beginning to see the importance of this very forward-thinking design concept because it just makes good sense. May this article help to propel the needed universal building movement forward.

The trend toward 'universal design' in homes
Tuesday, Jan 15, 2019 @ 3:57pm
By David Wilfong
Simple adjustments like a sideways opening oven can make life a lot easier for a person in a wheelchair. | Jofre Essley / Flickr
For many years disabled people faced challenges at every corner of public life. Stairs, rough ground, or even just reaching objects on a shelf created obstacles at inopportune times. Then the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) came into play. Wheelchair ramps and handicapped restrooms became commonplace in common spaces, and the result has been an improved quality of life for millions.
Then there’s the subject of home design. Homes have been modified for many years to meet the needs of the disabled, but now there is a new concept of “universal design,” which means homes being built for all needs from the beginning, even if there is not currently a disabled person living there.
“Along with aging in place, universal design is becoming more of a household term,” says T-Square Company (14141 Highway 290 West, Suite 800 in Austin) in is online blog. “Essentially, it’s about building or modifying places and spaces—both public and private—to accommodate people of all ages and abilities. More than just an architectural concept, universal design is a win-win for sandwich generation boomers caring for aging parents and their children at home, for grandparents raising grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and for all who are facing the challenges of caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s or other chronic diseases. Whether your family needs the support now or down the road, universal design features are a good long-term investment for the home itself.”
The trend toward 'universal design' in homes
Tuesday, Jan 15, 2019 @ 3:57pm
By David Wilfong
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After over a year of writing to fulfill my customers' requests, my new book, "Age in Place At Home," is finally available for purchase from Amazon. Go to the link below to order my paperback book, which was released in late November, 2022. It provides a great guideline for using the principles of Universal Design in new home construction and/or remodeling for every room in your home. Get your copy today.
A home's adaptability is one of the most desired qualities within a person's home during some point in their life as their or their family's personal needs change. Specific needs to enhance a home's accessibility can be short term while recovering from an accident or illness at any age, or these home alterations may become permanent. The special needs may concern an adult or a child. Universal design principles don't discriminate between any family members regardless of age, size, or ability. Every family member is included. Learn how to adapt your home environment to satisfy your family's needs in David Traut's new book, Age in Place at Home.

T-Square Company, in Austin, Texas, practices Universal Design accessibility to segue into Aging in Place seamlessly. The essence of my book is to advise people so they understand why our homes are obsolete to us, the homeowners, the minute they are completed. This fact is represented by the methodology used to create the traditional home. They are built to satisfy our immediate lifestyle and physical needs on the day we close on the house, with no regard for the future. The new home lacks adaptability to satisfy our needs once our bodies change beyond the purchase date. If we had incorporated the Universal Design principles into these new homes, those same homes would adapt to our changing family needs including every inhabitant regardless of age, size, or ability. The lack of home adaptability is not the consumers fault, they have always been unaware of how to reference the problem and accepted what the housing market gave them. They were unaware of what to ask for. Hence, the status-quo of building has been perpetuated for over a hundred years.
T-Square Company offers all types of Austin Universal Design home modifications to better prepare you and your family for your unforeseeable home accessibility future on a design/build basis. Existing, traditional homes must be modified to increase their accessibility using correct designs. Become aware and embrace the knowledge that the principles of Universal Design offer greater home accessibility for every one of your home members, from your father to your son. This is why the process is known as inclusive design which is a part of our universal design/build ideas. Furthermore, T-Square Company specializes in Austin elder living solutions and Austin senior home modifications.

David L. Traut, CAPS, has been involved with accessibility for nearly thirty years for the VA, HUD, and private residences. T-Square Company offers a complete assortment of Aging in Place services in Austin. Contact him at 512-444-0097 for a professional home assessment to guide your future accessibility needs or at www.tsquareco.com. Simply fill out your contact information on the "contact us" page.

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Age in Place at Home,
universal design forever homes
After over a year of writing to fulfill my customers' requests, my new book, "Age in Place At Home," is finally available for purchase from Amazon. Go to the link below to order my paperback book, which was released in late November, 2022. It provides a great guideline for using the principles of Universal Design in new home construction and/or remodeling for every room in your home. Get your copy today.
A home's adaptability is one of the most desired qualities within a person's home during some point in their life as their or their family's needs change. These specific needs to enhance accessibility can be short term while recovering from an accident or illness at any age, or these home alterations may become permanent. The special needs may concern an adult or a child. Universal design principles don't discriminate between any family members regardless of age, size, or ability. Every family member is included. Learn how to adapt your home environment to satisfy your family's needs in David Traut's new book, Age in Place at Home.

T-Square Company, in Austin, Texas, practices Universal Design accessibility to segue into Aging in Place seamlessly. The essence of my book is to advise people so they understand why our homes are obsolete to us, the homeowners, the minute they are completed. This fact is represented by the methodology used to create the traditional home. They are built to satisfy our immediate lifestyle and physical needs on the day we close on the house, with no regard for the future. The new home lacks adaptability to satisfy our needs once our bodies change beyond the purchase date. If we had incorporated the Universal Design principles into these new homes, those same homes would adapt to our changing family needs including every inhabitant regardless of age, size, or ability. The lack of home adaptability is not the consumers fault, they have always been unaware of how to reference the problem and accepted what the housing market gave them. They were unaware of what to ask for. Hence, the status-quo of building has been perpetuated for over a hundred years.
T-Square Company offers all types of Austin Universal Design home modifications to better prepare you and your family for your unforeseeable home accessibility future on a design/build basis. Existing, traditional homes must be modified to increase their accessibility using correct designs. Become aware and embrace the knowledge that the principles of Universal Design offer greater home accessibility for every one of your home members, from your father to your son. This is why the process is known as inclusive design.
David L. Traut, CAPS, has been involved with accessibility for nearly thirty years for the VA, HUD, and private residences. Contact me at 512-444-0097 for a professional home assessment to guide your future accessibility needs or at www.tsquareco.com. Simply fill out your information on the contact us page.
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Age in Place at Home,
universal design forever homes
Let's face it, accessible homes are needed by all of us at some time during our lives. This is true whether it's for ourselves, a family member, or a guest. The need for handicap remodeling is certainly not driven by age but is a result of life's experience. Any family living with disability among any of it's generations within the group can always benefit from additional accessibility. This will in turn increase safety and independence for all people involved as they go about life. Except under extreme situations, complete ADA-compliance normally isn't required for a remodel used to increase residential accessibility. The ADA rules are a great place to begin a design when dealing with a lack of home accessibility. However, any and all compliant items are a great help for everyone. The ADA specifications deal with explicit measurements, but these stringent rules do not apply to many people. Diverse body sizes and abilities are overlooked, and everyone is dealt with on average. More so, only if modifications involve government backed housing and funding are the ADA guidelines followed to the letter. In other words, the guidelines aren't a consideration when dealing with a single private family residence. So how did the ADA guidelines come about?
During the 1960's, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law, protecting the civil rights of those with disabilities. This law was merely a beginning, acknowledging a part of our population was dealing with disabilities. Although this law did not directly address disabilities per se, it served as a foundational piece of civil rights legislation. Disability advocates applied the language used in the Civil Rights Act for later legislation concerning civil rights for those with disabilities. Later on, the Americans with Disabilities Act, also known as ADA, as we know it today began. First implemented in 1990, it was our government’s first step toward addressing the needs of citizens living with disabilities. Yet as technology and our culture evolved, so did the challenges faced by disabled Americans. Accessibility became a hurdle not only in the physical world but also the vast digital realm of today. The law is constantly evolving while changing with the times; thereby making everyday life easier for individuals with unique needs.

Disability is a complex phenomenon representing an interaction between one's physical impairments, the activities they need to perform, and the architectural barriers within the space in which this situation occurs. The terminology and jargon used for disabilities evolves regularly whereas, "handicapped" is no longer acceptable. It is no longer merely a description of intellectual or physical impairments. Each individual with similar impairments describes his or her limitations differently. The blind don't experience their world the same as a person with deafness and so on. Physically challenged has become the more socially accepted description of a person with an impairment, regardless of age. No matter how old you are, you should periodically evaluate your residence to determine whether it suits you not just for the present but the future. Your personal home assessments will be revised every time your living situation changes. Whether childproofing for a newborn, making a home more accessible following a sickness or unfortunate accident to someone in the family, or making a toilet area safer for an aging residing parent, there will be an immediate evolution to your primary domicile. These same life-span design features become more important if you believe you're past the age of wanting to move and are relishing the thought of aging in your own home, no matter what physical limitations you might later develop. This way of thinking has created a niche residential market known as Aging in Place. Solving Aging in Place issues will soon become the number one challenge concerning the present obsolete housing inventory in our country. Incorporating smart aging design concepts like a roll-in-shower into a home will attract a larger group of buyers when you decide to finally sell your home. Preparing for one of those highly likely events involving someone in your home needing room modifications for even a short time while recovering from surgery is surely a wise move.

In our daily lives, we all know what to do if the front door is no longer secure, if the kitchen sink backs up, or if the air conditioning suddenly goes out on a hot day. However, for those suddenly facing a catastrophic illness, life can suddenly be a scary and confusing place in which our existing homes are no longer a sanctuary but become a prison within the nightmare of limited accessibility. With the onset of a life-altering illness or catastrophic injury, knowing who to call to solve problems faced performing our usual daily tasks suddenly becomes very challenging.
Knowledgeable construction and design professionals are utilizing the CAPS training across the nation. CAPS stands for Certified Aging In Place Specialist. This designation is taught through the National Association of Home Builders in collaboration with AARP. CAPS connects responsible professionals with home owners who need these services on an ever-increasing basis. CAPS is a nationwide initiative and all active CAPS members can be found at nahb.org/CAPS. Look for the CAPS designation as a reliable way to identify professionals to modify your home or build a new forever home that is designed for a lifespan. CAPS graduates receive training about the technical/construction aspects and learn about the unique aspects of working with older Americans. They must take formal business training to maintain their credential through continuing education and subscribe to a Code of Ethics.
David L. Traut, CAPS the owner of T-Square Company in Austin, Texas is one of the select group of professionals to earn the Certified Aging In Place Specialist (CAPS) designation, identifying him as a home remodeler and builder with the skills and knowledge necessary to remodel or modify a home to meet the unique needs of the older population, disabled owners, or their visitors. T-Square Company offers a full compliment of Aging in Place services including bathroom modifications for elderly clients with special needs. Each design/build project will be customized to fit your personal needs increasing your accessibility. Call 512-444-0097 today to begin the accessible second chapter of your life while remaining safe and secure in your existing home. CAPS #1636580
As an answer to his clients requests over the years, David has recently published a book entitled "Age in Place at Home: Adapting the Home Environment for All Generations". The book reflects on thirty years of accessibility improvements and identifies why our traditional homes specifically lack this very basic need. It is available on Amazon and stands as a reference book for increasing home accessibility using the principles of Universal Design in every room of the home.
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CAPS certified remodeling in Austin,
ADA compliance,
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home modifications Austin, Texas,
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Austin Accessibility Design,
Austin senior living solutions,
Austin accessible home remodeling,
Austin disability contractors for special needs,
Austin handicap bathroom contractor,
Austin home remodeling for disabled,
Disability Remodeling Services in Austin, Texas,
ADA Accessibility,
ADA Contractor/Austin, Texas,
Dripping Springs home accessibility solutions,
Dripping Springs special needs contractor,
Dripping Springs aging in place specialist,
Universal design construction in Austin,
Universal Design for Disabilities,
Barrier-free designs
If you are a senior or considering moving in an elderly parent into your home, you might find this information useful while pondering the subject to move forward.
The Aging in Place market in the US today is constantly influenced by the increasing size of the senior population, the desire to remain in one's home, a constantly increasing cultural diversity, and our aging and inaccessible housing stock with it's reduced affordability. Let's face it, accessible homes are needed by all of us at some time in our lives. This is true whether it's for ourselves, a family member, or a guest. Each individual with similar impairments describes his or her limitations differently. The blind don't experience their world the same as a person with deafness. The need is certainly not driven by age but is a result of life's experience. Any family living with disability among any of it's generations within it's group will always benefit from additional accessibility. This will in turn increase safety and independence for all involved as they go through life.
Actively searching for senior living solutions, the aging population is made up of two prominent age groups formed by the age 65 and over population and the baby boomers. The baby boomers were born between 1946 and 1965 as a result of WW II. Together these two groups own over 48% of all the US home inventory today. The desire to remain in one's home is driven by social attachments via a network of neighbors, friends, and family. Our cultural diversity assures that the same Aging in Place solutions cannot work across the board for all individuals, just as an individual's ability to live independently varies from person to person. With the constantly aging housing inventory, costs can be a major barrier in home modification for many residents. A catch 22 situation arises once you consider the reduced affordability of another home versus the one presently occupied by seniors. In this case the homeowner must use the equity that has accrued in their home's value in order to make the modifications required to safely move forward. Obviously, in the long run, it's cheaper to remodel an existing home using accrued assets than it is to buy a new home in today's inflated market only to endure closing costs, moving costs and the associated stress.

Some people confuse Aging in Place with Universal Design. Both are methods to increase home accessibility but Aging in Place strictly deals with an existing home, and is applied only when needed. Aging in Place implies modifying any home for it's occupants as a result of physical changes to ensure that the inhabitants can safely remain living in the home for as long as possible. Thus, it represents a reactive approach as a solution for providing home accessibility to the unprepared and procrastinating occupants. This time will expire once the senior homeowners require assisting medically trained help for ensuring their personal safety in a nursing home or an assisted living environment. In comparison, Universal Design offers choices to all home residents, no matter their age, size, or physical abilities. It can become part of any home at any time so all the occupants can enjoy the positive effects longer. Once undertaken by a proactive homeowner, the universal process begins with a design and then the construction begins. This process makes way for the home's comfort, safety, and usability to be enhanced. When Universal Design is incorporated into remodeling or new builds, these homes can accommodate the changing needs of their owners without further alterations. Over time, increased accessibility is there when it is required without disruption or calling attention to any family member.

For unprepared seniors, the demands of their home environment might eventually exceed their capacities forcing the inhabitants to become excluded from a room or even the entire home. In truth, physical limitations affect many more people than the daily users of walkers and wheelchairs. Many members of our life-experienced or senior society have significant problems safely dealing with their home environment due to today's conventional building standards. These status-quo building methods conflict with most people's accessibility, while the industry has routinely created homes full of architectural barriers. Individual strength, range of motion, movement, manual dexterity, balance, and coordination evolve over time as we become more life-experienced. The number one safety hazard in a home for seniors is negotiating level changes--steps at the entry, stairs between floors, and curbs to step over when entering the shower. Eliminating level changes is very difficult in existing homes and almost impossible to do aesthetically without considerable compromises, unless there is a major renovation. Sadly, the end result is that most homeowners decide to sell the house facing this situation rather than make the modifications. Fortunately, most traditional homes are capable of being modified.
Any accessibility design for seniors should always be performed by a CAPS certified builder or remodeler to provide a professional and safe path forward for seniors. This is the only way that you can be assured that the home modifications are the right choices to satisfy your needs. There is no need to waste money only to find out that the wrong alterations were done by an inexperienced and unqualified remodeling company. Modifications to bathrooms and kitchens, the two most used rooms in a home, must take everything about a persons personal behavior into consideration. Bathroom modifications typically include custom tub to shower conversions, a custom walk in shower, an ADA-compliant toilet, or an accessible roll-under vanity. These are all great ways to make the bathroom safer and more accessible. Other bathroom concerns involve storage cabinetry and door opening widths. When it comes to the kitchen, ADA-compliant kitchen cabinets including roll-under cooktops, sinks, and food prep areas are important. Accessible storage for food and cooking items is needed along with adaptable multi-level cabinet working surfaces. All kitchen ADA-compliant appliances should be installed so a person using a wheelchair has access. Therefore, each appliance has associated clear floor space for approach and maneuvering. Remember, if the layout works well for the wheelchair user, it works for everyone. In general, a senior's home should be free of clutter, and every adequate room should have ample clear floor space for approaching certain items. Every area of the home is accessible without involving architectural barriers. But who do you contact to be sure you are getting the accessibility you desire?
The National Association of Home Builders, in partnership with the AARP and Home Innovation Research Labs, created the CAPS program, which includes training and education on the technical, business management and customer service skills essential to compete in the fastest growing segment of the residential remodeling industry--home modifications for aging in place. David L. Traut, CAPS owner of T-Square Company in Austin, Texas is one of the select group of professionals nationwide to earn the Certified Aging-In-Place Specialist (CAPS) designation, identifying him as a home remodeler and builder with the skills and knowledge necessary to remodel or modify a home to meet the unique needs of the older population, disabled owners or their visitors. David has recently published a book called "Age in Place at Home: Adapting the Home Environment for All Generations". It is available on Amazon.
For additional information about the CAPS program, visit nahb.org/CAPS. For more information about T-Square Company, visit www.tsquareco.com or call 512-444-0097.

The building world must work in unison to be sure the entire living environment meets basic needs in addition to affordability and structural integrity for the consumer and home owner. This includes both the home and the components within the home being accessible to all inhabitants. Privacy, sense of belonging, sense of control, and the sense of safety and security make up the quality of life for any home and should be considered for any design.

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handicap home modifications,
aging in place construction,
aging in place designs,
CAPS remodeling techniques,
Universal Design,,
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aging in place services,
elder construction,
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Austin elder construction,
handicap accessibility,
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roll in showers,
handicap bathrooms,
home modifications for independent living Austin,
universal design ideas,
Austin Accessibility Design,
Austin senior living solutions,
Austin handicap bathroom contractor,
Austin home remodeling for disabled,
ADA Accessibility,
Barrier-free designs
I am reposting this invaluable announcement of my book's availability in an effort to help many struggling families who have discovered their home no longer fits their personal physical needs. Sudden or mounting changes among any family members affects how livable and accommodating their present home truly is. Once a major change occurs, modification of your residence must be undertaken or you will face moving to a more accessible home. A home's newly-discovered architectural barriers are represented by problems entering the home, difficulty in using the bathroom or its facilities, or merely maneuvering throughout a familiar residence. My book acts as a guidepost for perplexed homeowners and caretakers trying to determine their family's next immediate direction and imminent future. The first half of the book explains why homes have always been inaccessible, except on the day they were purchased. The second half takes you room by room through the home as I explain how applying the principles of Universal Design for Aging in Place makes the home comfortable and accessible for the largest number of people.
After over a year of writing to fulfill my customers' requests, my new book, "Age in Place At Home: Adapting the Home Environment for All Generations" , is available for purchase from Amazon. Go to the link below to order my paperback book, which was released in late November, 2022. It provides a great guideline for using the principles of Universal Design in new home construction and/or remodeling for every room in your home. Get your copy today.
A home's adaptability is one of the most desired qualities within a person's home during some point in their life as their or their family's needs change. These specific needs to enhance accessibility can be short term while recovering from an accident or illness at any age, or these home alterations may become permanent. The special needs may concern an adult or a child. Universal design principles don't discriminate between any family members regardless of age, size, or ability. Every family member is included. Learn how to adapt your home environment to satisfy your family's needs in David Traut's new book, Age in Place at Home.

T-Square Company, in Austin, Texas, practices incorporating Universal Design for accessibility to help their clients segue into Aging in Place seamlessly. The essence of my book is to advise people so they understand why our homes are obsolete to us, the homeowners, the minute they are completed. This fact is represented by the methodology used to create the traditional home. They are built to satisfy our immediate lifestyle and physical needs on the day we close on the house, with no regard for the future. The new home lacks adaptability to satisfy our needs once our bodies change beyond the purchase date. If we had incorporated the Universal Design principles into these new homes, those same homes would adapt to our changing family needs including every inhabitant regardless of age, size, or ability. The lack of home adaptability is not the consumers fault, they have always been unaware of how to reference the problem and accepted what the housing market gave them. Buyers were unaware of what to ask for. Hence, the status-quo of building has been perpetuated for centuries.
T-Square Company offers all types of Austin Universal Design home modifications for Aging in Place and Aging in Place design to better prepare you and your family for your unforeseeable home accessibility future on a design/build basis. Existing, traditional homes must be modified at some unknown point in time to increase their accessibility using correct designs. This collaborative effort is undertaken in order to help the residents who need better accessibility the most. Become aware and embrace the knowledge that the principles of Universal Design offer greater home accessibility for every one of your home members, from your father to your son. This is why the process is known as inclusive design.
David L. Traut, CAPS, is an Aging in Place specialist and has been involved with accessibility for over thirty years for the VA, HUD, various counties, and private residences. Contact David at 512-444-0097 for a professional home assessment to guide your future accessibility needs or at www.tsquareco.com. Simply fill out your information on the contact us page.
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Age in Place at Home,
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After over a year of writing to fulfill my customers' requests, my new book, "Age in Place At Home," is finally available for purchase from Amazon. Go to the link below to order my paperback book, which was released in late November, 2022. It provides a great guideline for using the principles of Universal Design in new home construction and/or remodeling for every room in your home. Get your copy today.
A home's adaptability is one of the most desired qualities within a person's home during some point in their life as their or their family's needs change. These specific needs to enhance accessibility can be short term while recovering from an accident or illness at any age, or these home alterations may become permanent. The special needs may concern an adult or a child. Universal design principles don't discriminate between any family members regardless of age, size, or ability. Every family member is included. Learn how to adapt your home environment to satisfy your family's needs in David Traut's new book, Age in Place at Home.

T-Square Company, in Austin, Texas, practices Universal Design accessibility to segue into Aging in Place seamlessly. The essence of my book is to advise people so they understand why our homes are obsolete to us, the homeowners, the minute they are completed. This fact is represented by the methodology used to create the traditional home. They are built to satisfy our immediate lifestyle and physical needs on the day we close on the house, with no regard for the future. The new home lacks adaptability to satisfy our needs once our bodies change beyond the purchase date. If we had incorporated the Universal Design principles into these new homes, those same homes would adapt to our changing family needs including every inhabitant regardless of age, size, or ability. The lack of home adaptability is not the consumers fault, they have always been unaware of how to reference the problem and accepted what the housing market gave them. They were unaware of what to ask for. Hence, the status-quo of building has been perpetuated for over a hundred years.
T-Square Company offers all types of Austin Universal Design home modifications to better prepare you and your family for your unforeseeable home accessibility future on a design/build basis. Existing, traditional homes must be modified to increase their accessibility using correct designs. Become aware and embrace the knowledge that the principles of Universal Design offer greater home accessibility for every one of your home members, from your father to your son. This is why the process is known as inclusive design.
David L. Traut, CAPS, has been involved with accessibility for nearly thirty years for the VA, HUD, and private residences. Contact me at 512-444-0097 for a professional home assessment to guide your future accessibility needs or at www.tsquareco.com. Simply fill out your information on the contact us page.
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Age in Place at Home,
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After a Year of writing to fulfill my customers' requests, my new book, "Age in Place At Home," is available for pre-order from Amazon. Go to the link below to preorder my book, which will be released on October 19, 2022.

T-Square Company, in Austin, Texas, practices Universal Design accessibility to segue into Aging in Place seamlessly. We offer all types of Austin Universal Design home modifications better to prepare you for your unforeseeable home accessibility future. The principles of Universal Design offer greater home accessibility for every one of your home members, from your father to your son. This is why the process is known as inclusive design.
David L. Traut, CAPS, has been involved with accessibility for nearly thirty years for the VA and private residences. Contact me at 512-444-0097 for a professional home assessment to guide your future accessibility needs or at www.tsquareco.com. Simply fill out your information on the contact us page.
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