Many options are available when selecting what type of commercial office glass walls in Austin best fits your needs. Each situation will vary in the amount of total allowable visibility as seen from any adjacent part of the common area. Commercial window walls can create an invasion of privacy within an office if a proposed design is not totally taylored and understood. A newly highlighed room's function and privacy can be maintained simply by varying the amount of glass used, it's degree of transparency, and the locations of the glass panels within the office walls. The end use of the new office must be taken into account before adding any type of glass wall system.
Systems can be as simple as the use of a sidelight next to the office entry door used to verify if a meeting is in progress or utilizing a full height glass wall offering total visibility. Modesty concerns can be accomplished by incorporating half glass walls that still maintain the open feeling. Translucent applications such as etching or films applied directly to the glass can retain the security of total privacy however still providing a feeling of open confinement.
Clear glass panels can be totally divided using wood or metal framing components or each of the glass panels can be chemically attached for a free flowing look. Glass blocks can also be used as a means to provide privacy given their translucent characteristic and they can be installed in interesting patterns. Just be sure your design fits the need because glass walls are much more expensive than their drywall counterparts.
A Typical Half Glass Wall Used In A Commercial Office Finish