Including Universal Design ideas when periodically remodeling anywhere within the home and especially in the bathroom means the design personally fits a family for a longer period of time. Universal Design contains the natural ability to adapt with people. Many times, an existing bathroom’s layout is changed regarding fixture arrangement and orientation to increase efficiency. Remodeling an existing bathroom using Universal Design possibly involves changing the wall configuration for a more open feeling. Additional space is needed in the bathroom once caretakers providing assistance are required for aging adults or young children.
Modifying the bathroom following practiced wheelchair accessibility guidelines is a great place to start a Universal Design remodel in any home. The expanded clearances involved create a more comfortable and roomy environment for every family member. Universal Design principles provide access for the users of wheelchairs or walkers including everyone else including children. A functional, well organized, and attractive layout placing the items used in close proximity and within reach of the users meets the needs of most homeowners including children and aging adults. This includes people with limited mobility or impaired reach due to physical or medical conditions. The diversity of all people is accounted for. Therefore, it represents a perfect design concept for multi-generational households. Regarding the current multi-generational living environments there are varying participants of many ages with multiple sizes and abilities within the family group indicating the need for Universal Design’s use throughout the home. A major difference in these special family units is a better probability function and dexterity is negatively affected by a group member.
Planning for the future involving Universal Design principles is so important with any remodel for both now and in the future. Using Universal Design to remodel a bathroom space increases aesthetics, sustainability, usefulness, and safety while lending itself to privacy in a functional surrounding. Universal Design bathroom accessibility includes opening up the area with a clear five foot diameter in case a wheelchair is needed, adding grab bars or handrails throughout the home (or at least blocking for them for a later time when needed), adding a seat within a roll in shower, lowering upper cabinets and counter tops, providing an accessible comfort height toilet, offering at least one vanity sink with roll under capability, adding non-slip flooring, widening hallways, and widening doors. Privacy, sense of belonging, sense of control, and the feelings of safety and security make up the quality of life for any home and are considered for any successful Universal Design project. The reasons for embracing these ideas go beyond aging and disability. They include being an asset for children, is inviting to visitors, it promotes long term health and wellness, works well for seniors, all this paired with the fact it is smart and invisible.
Designing task oriented bathroom fixture locations takes into account their use, placement, or how they make up the bathroom environment. This defines the current way of thinking universally. A clear floor space of 30 by 48 inches is provided for approaching all bathroom fixtures. These areas can overlap one another and the five foot turning radius within the design. Always choose quality plumbing fixtures and fittings easily controlled using a single hand motion or a closed fist. Motion controlled sensor fixtures offering hands free operation are a possibility when specifying fixtures and finishes. Sometimes, the master bath today is one of the busiest rooms in the home. It has the potential of becoming the family bathroom. If young children are a part of the family, bath time transforms the bathroom into a very busy and crowded area. If aging parents are visiting, they also need their time in the bathroom because it is a larger and safer space.
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Universal Bathroom Design
ADA guidelines state that accessible sinks shouldn't be mounted higher than 34 inches above the floor for adults. For children, the sink should be set at 29 inches maximum above the finished floor. Both these heights are dependent on the individual using the sink and are truly a set of guidelines. Adults should have a knee clearance of 27 inches high by 30 inches of width with 11-25 inches deep. For children or smaller adults, a knee clearance of 24 inches above the floor is recommended. All sinks for the handicapped user should have no more than a 6 1/2 inch depth.There should also be a clear associated floor space for approach in front of the vanity which measures 30 by 48 inches. This clear space is needed to approach all bathroom fixtures and the clear spaces can overlap within the bathroom design. To assure a clear floor space the lavatory must be installed at 24" from any side wall measuring from the center line of the sink. The distance from one sink to another if using a double lavatory layout should be at least 30" center to center. In the case of wall hung freestanding sinks the minimum distance between them should be 4" between the sink edges. A clear 24 inch reach distance must be observed to help assist a seated person.
There is no one set of dimensions which works for everyone with special needs since everyone is different. Bathroom cabinets in Austin vary by style and usability needs. There are basically two styles of ADA bathroom vanities that comply with an unobstructed 27" tall roll under area below the sink. ADA sinks with a rear drain location provide for better plumbing drain hook ups. This modification has everything to do with both the water supply lines and the waste line connecting the sink. There must be provisions made to protect the user from being scalded when coming into contact with any one of the plumbing pipes serving the sink. These connecting pipes may become heated merely by the water passing through them creating the problem. The open type model should always receive both waste and supply insulating jackets applied directly to the pipes providing protection for the wheelchair user. The closed model concealing the pipes will be equipped with a removable face or face board covering the pipes. This pipe concealing panel must be installed at the correct wheelchair user clearance angle. This allows for the needed unobstructed legroom required for the user. The vanity can extend beyond the sink but the area containing the sink is required to have this roll under capability. This section of the vanity top must not be any taller than 34 inches above the finished floor with sufficient lower leg clearance. Clear unobstructed reach distances around the counter top area must be observed. Any motion controlled sensors integrated into the various dispensing devices and/or plumbing fixtures throughout the restroom present a true hands free benefit to all the restroom users. If these aren't in the budget then at least wrist handles used for controlling the faucet can be incorporated into the design of the vanity. Furthermore, automatic flush valves should be used on all toilets and urinals that provide for hands free use.
Finding a disability contractor familiar with the guidelines of Elder construction and accessibility for people with special needs can be quite difficult. Be sure to check out the credentials of any potential bidders you contact. Also be sure they understand that the alterations you are seeking are for wheelchair accessible home remodeling and modifications. Furthermore be sure this person knows and practices both the federal and most importantly your state's requirements before entering into any contract. We offer complete handicap accessible floor plans generated around our individual clients.
Aging in place home modifications are available through T-Square Company. We are a certified aging in place (CAPS) specialist. Each design/build situation will be customized to fit your personal needs. Call 512-444-0097 today to begin the accessible second chapter of your life while remaining safe and secure in your existing home. CAPS #1636580
Let's face it, accessible homes are needed by all of us at some time in our lives. This is true whether it's for ourselves, a family member, or a guest. The need is certainly not driven by age but is a result of life's experience. Any family living with disability among any of the generations within it's group can always benefit from additional accessibility. This will in turn increase safety and independence for all involved as they go through life.
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Problems encountered while accessing your home when you are wheelchair bound generally begin before or at the front door. If you can reach the front porch approach without obstruction then you have a great start since the stairs leading onto the front porch can be another matter all together. A correctly designed ramp having a 1:12 slope can adequately solve this problem. The use of grab bars and any railings will be dictated by the ramp's design and the regulations and physical limitations involved. Once your safely upon the porch, your home's front door width can become an issue. Any entry door less than three feet in width will cause a problem in maintaining a required 32 inch clear entry way which starts the new accessible route within your home. Rolling over any vertical threshold height greater than 1/2" is also difficult to maneuver. Once inside the structure a new set of problems concerning your accessibility will be discovered.
A traditional home builder has never truly considered the special needs of the disabled or aging within any home design. Unfortunately the design emphasis is always put on aesthetics and takes for granted everyone's mobility. There certainly are no guarantees or clauses within any home's sales contract that will prevent our future personal life experiences from introducing us to at least a temporary disability. Accidents will always happen and you could find yourself having to utilize a wheelchair or walker to facilitate your independence for mobility. Limitations in our mobility or constantly changing needs experienced by both the disabled and the elderly have sprung a new dimension in construction known as ADA remodeling to accomplish increased accessibility. Our homes have always been exempt from any and all of the accessibility regulations that have been put in place since 1968 when our Viet Nam veterans were returning home. The new evolving concept known as Universal Design for home remodeling is catching on nation wide and has been for several years as a sign of the times. Universal design techniques used in building makes a home more accessible to all regardless of their mobility or adaptive abilities. The realization that handicap bathrooms are needed by everyone regardless of age. An evolution of new products used for disability home modifications is making those homes more accessible and has finally come about in the remodeling industry. These new advances in accessible home remodeling in Austin not only keep the living environments safer but will not compromise the home's aesthetics.
An accessible bathroom for the user's convenience and safety becomes the first issue for anyone using a wheelchair or walker for either a short time while recovering or for the rest of their life. The disability access bathroom will be located within the home's accessible route. Any architectural barriers encountered while approaching the bathroom entrance will need to be removed. The minimum clear widths have to be observed. This will include the bathroom door itself. Twenty four to twenty eight inch wide doors are commonly used during the construction of American homes for accessing the bathroom. However, anything below three feet does not meet the 32 inch required clear width needed for clearance of a wheelchair. This work may involve framing alterations and moving light switches. The electrical changes should be done by a licensed electrician assuring your safety.
A completely serviceable special needs bathroom must contain at least one ADA vanity and the accessible route must be defined. The vanity must be one with a clear underneath scald protected area having an unobstructed roll under capability for wheelchairs. These new residential vanities do not need to look institutional. They can be designed like any other piece of fine furniture. A five foot turning radius allowing the wheelchair to maneuver into any approach must also be associated with the ADA vanity. A 36x48" clear approach area to the vanity must be observed and this can overlap the five foot turning radius. The area of travel will then be enhanced by an unobstructed clear accessible barrier free route dedicated to reaching the vanity.
Bathroom cabinets in Austin vary by style and usability. There are basically two styles of ADA bathroom vanities that comply with an unobstructed 27" tall roll under area below the sink. ADA sinks with a rear drain location provide for better plumbing drain hook ups. This modification has everything to do with both the water supply lines and the waste line connecting the sink. There must be provisions made to protect the user from being scalded when coming into contact with any one of the plumbing pipes serving the sink. These connecting pipes may become heated merely by the water passing through them creating the problem. The open type model should always receive both waste and supply insulating jackets applied directly to the pipes providing protection for the wheelchair user. The closed model concealing the pipes will be equipped with a removable face or face board covering the pipes. This pipe concealing panel must be installed at the correct wheelchair user clearance angle. This allows for the needed unobstructed legroom required for the user. The vanity can extend beyond the sink but the area containing the sink is required to have this roll under capability. This section of the vanity top must not be any taller than 34 inches above the finished floor with sufficient lower leg clearance. Clear unobstructed reach distances around the counter top area must be observed. Any motion controlled sensors integrated into the various dispensing devices and/or plumbing fixtures throughout the restroom present a true hands free benefit to all the restroom users. If these aren't in the budget then at least wrist handles used for controlling the faucet can be incorporated into the design of the vanity. Furthermore, automatic flush valves should be used on all toilets and urinals that provide for hands free use.
Finding a contractor familiar with the guidelines of accessibility can be quite difficult. Be sure to check out the credentials of any potential bidders you contact. Be sure they understand that the alterations you are seeking are for wheel chair accessible home remodeling and modifications. Furthermore be sure this person knows and practices both the federal and most importantly your state's requirements before entering into any contract.
Aging in place home modifications are available through T-Square Company. We are a certified aging in place specialist. Each design/build situation will be customized to fit your personal needs. Call 512-444-0097 today to begin the accessible second chapter of your life while remaining safe and secure in your existing home. CAPS #1636580
Let's face it, accessible homes are needed by all of us at some time in our lives. This is true whether it's for ourselves, a family member, or a guest. The need is certainly not driven by age but is a result of life's experience. Any family living with disability among any of the generations within it's group can always benefit from additional accessibility. This will in turn increase safety and independence for all involved as they go through life.
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Designing for specific physical conditions during a handicap retrofit will lessen the impact of say arthritis, restricted mobility, or loss of vision by using combinations of products, concepts, and techniques available today. Working as a team, a trained CAPS specialist along with any family caretakers or therapists is able to identify the day to day problems weighing on those with health limitations. If you are considering an aging in place remodel for your home don't just contact any local remodeler in your area and expect a satisfactory accessible home modification. A professional design/build accessibility project can only be created for your specific needs by a qualified home remodeler having a nationally accepted CAPS (Certified Aging In Place Specialist) certification. This credential is backed by the NAHB. Only a CAPS home remodeler possesses the specific knowledge that will insure a successful outcome for your accessibility or aging in place project and what's more, keep you in your home longer.
Disability is a complex phenomenon representing an interaction between one's physical impairments, the activities they need to perform, and the architectural barriers within the space in which this situation occurs. The terminology and jargon used for disabilities evolves regularly whereas, "handicapped" is no longer acceptable. It is no longer merely a description of intellectual or physical impairments. Each individual with similar impairments describes his or her limitations differently. The blind don't experience their world the same as a person with deafness and so on. Physically challenged has become the more socially accepted description of a person with an impairment.
Physical limitations affect many more people than the daily users of walkers and wheelchairs. Many members of our life experienced or elder society have significant problems in dealing with their home environment. Today's conventional building standards conflict with most people's accessibility when you consider our created architectural barriers concerning cabinetry and door opening widths, individual strength, range of motion, movement, manual dexterity, balance, and coordination . Once the demands of our built environment exceed their capacities we become excluded from a room or even the entire home. This has brought about the realization that handicap bathrooms are needed. The building world must work in unison to be sure the entire living environment meets basic needs in addition to affordability and structural integrity for the consumer and home owner. This includes both the home and the components within the home being accessible to all inhabitants. Privacy, sense of belonging, sense of control, and the sense of safety and security make up the quality of life for any home and should be considered for any accessibility design.
Wheelchair accessible bathrooms today contain stylish vanities set at a universal height of 34 inches with clear knee spaces. Plan on 27 inches of vertical clearance for a wheelchair. The sink faucets must be easily controlled by either wrist handles or levers. The faucets can be fitted on the side of the sink to make them easier to reach. Or install infra-red faucets that detect motion. Hang the mirror low enough for a seated person to see themselves, and tip the top of the mirror out. bathroom vanities with universal height cabinet tops and open knee spaces are taking over the marketplace. These new residential vanities do not need to look institutional even though they are wheelchair accessible. They can be designed like any other piece of fine furniture. Scalding must be guarded against by using either insulating pipe wrap or a removable panel for the plumbing.
The threshold is the most dangerous component for any ADA compatible shower. Not only is it impossible to overcome in a wheelchair but it isn't safe for those who are vision impaired or those with mobility issues. Curbless roll in showers that are 5 feet wide and 3 feet deep having a 36" clear entrance are advised for everyone. Low threshold shower bases with add on ramps can solve the shower entry problem when the floor cannot be lowered to form a true contoured roll in slope. The accessible shower should contain at least a shower wand on a sliding bar for varying heights of use along with a regular shower head and control if desired. Installing fixtures with a scald guard or lowering the temperature at the water heater is a must to prevent burns. Install the slider bar for the hand held shower hose and head 4 feet off the floor so that the head can slide up to 6 feet high. Always use a shower valve installed below or at 48" from the finished floor that is thermostatically controlled and pressure-balanced to prevent scalds. If you desire a full body wash, you can include a regular shower head as well. Always choose fixtures and fittings that are easy to control with a single hand motion or a closed fist. Motion controlled sensor fixtures are also a possibility when specifying fixtures and finishes. Built-in shower seats provide comfort and safety but can sometimes get in the way of accessibility. Folding seats are an option in the shower and are useful if caretakers are ever involved or a shower chair is ever required. These seats are much safer than a free standing shower seat which can collapse and cause a fall. Recessed shampoo niches located 48" above the floor help keep shower floors or seats free of trip hazards. Grab bars around the bath and especially on each wall in the shower installed at 34-36" above the floor should be used. All grab bars must be secured into either adequate wood blocking or existing wall studs so they can hold at least 250 pounds of downward force. Non slip floor covering should always be considered with a 0.5 friction coefficient rating. Enclosures can vary by the accessibility needed by all and can be everything from an out-swinging frame-less door to just a simple glass splash panel or even a curtain on a curved rod. Walk in tubs are also a consideration but some people get chilled while the tub is draining.
Austin handicap remodeling, aging in place home modifications, and ADA Accessible kitchens are available through T-Square Company. Each design/build handicap accessibility situation will be customized to fit your personal needs. Call 512-444-0097 today to begin the accessible second chapter of your life while remaining safe and secure in your existing home. CAPS 1636580
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Life happens and your present way of going about it includes newly discovered physical barriers which were never an issue before. You've lost your mobility and are now forced to rely on a wheelchair for assistance at least for the present time. The maneuvering of familiar areas within your home you'd always taken for granted are now presenting barriers that are limiting your new means of mobility. Clear openings of 32" or greater, elevation changes steeper than 1:12, and being able to have access to all your home's facilities have been affected springing forth handicap remodeling. The removal of these home grown barriers that now disrupt your accessible route for handicap bathrooms in Austin, Texas needs to be done by a qualified building professional holding a CAPS certificate. Any ADA remodeling should comply with both ADA and local building code standards along with the TDLR guidelines. A handicap bathroom remodel is not age related but becomes a major aspect concerning remodeling for seniors.
Problems encountered while accessing your home when you are wheelchair bound generally begin before or at the front door. Given that you can reach the front porch approach without obstruction is surely a great start. The stairs leading onto the front porch are yet another matter all together. A correctly designed ramp having the correct slope can adequately solve this problem. The use of grab bars and any railings will be dictated by the ramp's design and the regulations involved. Once your safely upon the porch, your home's front door width can become an issue. Any entry door less than three feet in width will cause a problem in maintaining a required 32 inch clear entry way that starts the new accessible route within your home. Once inside the structure a new set of problems concerning your accessibility will be discovered.
An accessible bathroom for your convenience becomes the first issue. The disability access bathroom will be located within the accessible route. Any barriers encountered while approaching the bathroom entrance will need to be removed. The minimum clear widths have to be observed. This will include the bathroom door itself. Twenty four to twenty eight inch wide doors are commonly used during the construction of American homes for accessing the bathroom and must be widened during a bathroom transformation. Anything below three feet does not meet the clear 32 inch requirement mentioned above and will need to be altered for clearance of your wheelchair. This work may involve moving light switches. These alterations should be done by a licensed electrician assuring your safety.
Once inside the accessible bathroom you should try to maintain a five foot turning radius for your wheelchair if at all possible. You will need to have your plumbing facilities brought into compliance to enable your freedom and safety. Bathroom modifications for the disabled involve the use of grab bars within the tub or shower and around the toilet which can be very helpful insuring your safety for maneuverability. These should be installed at 34 inches above the finished floor to safeguard your use of them. Having roll under capability for the new 34" high ADA compliant vanity can be very helpful while you are in the wheelchair. Exact clearances should be complied with underneath the vanity. The proper safety equipment should be installed on the plumbing pipes that don't allow scalding of your legs. The toilet may need to be replaced providing a comfort level height for easier access. The handicap bath or roll in shower may need to be altered to become only a shower with roll in or possibly transfer capabilities. Roll in showers are always easier to deal with than handicap baths having walk in ability. However, these tubs are not for everyone especially those with dementia so do your homework before buying such an expensive addition to your bathroom. All of these changes must be done along the ADA guidelines for your safety but these are only to be used as a reference. At this point every individual has their own set of needs according to their disabilities.
The referenced door situation above will be true for any room in the house if you are to enter them barrier free. The kitchen, your bedroom, and any other rooms you require accessibility to enter could be affected. Even the closet door within your bedroom will need to be wide enough so that you can manage getting your clothes to dress. Any other bedrooms that you may need to enter with your wheelchair will need alterations.
The accessible kitchen is another story altogether. You will at least need the roll under capability as mentioned above at the sink. Upper kitchen cabinet heights may become an issue if you still plan to do meal preparations. No matter what you end up doing, make sure to hire an experienced building professional who understand the ADA guidelines for your well being.
Aging in place design is mostly used for homeowners who require home modifications to allow them to remain in their home safely and comfortably as they age while their physical abilities change over time. Universal design is a much broader term covering the design of products and environments that are usable by all members of the household, from the youngest to the oldest, to the largest extent possible, without the need for further alterations, adaptations, or specialized design. Universal Design provides a pathway to seamlessly age in place. It is truly thinking ahead when it comes to accommodating the living environment for better home access.
Aging in place home modifications are available through T-Square Company in the Austin area. We have an A plus rating with the local BBB and have over 30 years of remodeling experience. We are additionally a certified aging in place specialist (CAPS) offering complete aging in place services. Each design/build situation will be customized to fit your personal needs increasing your accessibility. Call 512-444-0097 today to begin the accessible second chapter of your life while remaining safe and secure in your existing home. CAPS #1636580
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Even if you only use your tub to wash the dog or wash your mini-blinds, most real estate agents are adamant about having at least one bathtub in your house to preserve marketability. A recent Houzz poll agrees, with 58% of respondents claiming, "you'll never sell that house without a tub." However, bathtub to shower conversions are very popular for many households. Whether you are looking for a safer alternative to climbing over a tall bathtub wall or simply want to create a more sophisticated style in your bathroom many designs are available without extensive remodeling.
If your current bathroom is unsafe or if you find it inconvenient you may need to consider a complete bathroom remodel. Then you can build in ease of use, and you can add safety features that address slips and falls, and other concerns as you age. This is especially important if you live alone. A fall in the shower or the bathroom can be a devastating and frightening experience. Sometimes it's possible to address these problems by making significant changes. These can include options like adding a monitored alarm system to alert people to a fall or removing the bathtub and installing a large, low or zero threshold shower with slip resistant porcelain floor tiles.
If your old tub is in an alcove, you can remove it and be left with a space that's about 30 to 34 inches deep and 5 feet wide. This is an adequate space for a shower. With some minor modifications, your water supply and drain lines will already be in place, saving you money on plumbing costs. With some limited framing alterations, you can enjoy future shampoo niches, folding seats, and grab bar placement. The floor of your shower has a lot to do with the style and cost of your tub to shower remodel. You have a choice of two basic types of pan: one contains water with curbs that you step over as you enter while the other recessed type is curbless. Liners or pans beneath the floor tile can be composed of either a custom fiberglass application or the proper vinyl material. Waterproofing is the most important aspect of shower building and all precautions must be taken. One piece above the slab shower bases can solve any future problems that might arise using any type of shower pan. These can be equipped with add on ramps for wheelchair access if the floor slab construction will not allow lowering the shower floor for roll in capability. Prefab fiberglass sides are the cheapest way to complete the shower; but, a custom tiled unit will have better resale value even though it is more costly.
If you're a homeowner and contemplating aging in place the main area you'll need to consider is the bathroom. Accessible showers should be a part of any aging in place bathroom remodeling project. Even if your middle aged and planning for the future, an accessible shower is a smart investment because they can be built to be usable by anyone including those in a wheelchair. These showers are designed to provide for a person's safety in the shower by utilizing design elements like no or zero step entries, grab bars, non-slip flooring and more. A properly and fully designed bathroom will incorporate these and other features. This is called Universal Design, and the principal includes accessibility, hardware, and materials. This building technique works to help create a safe showering experience for people of all abilities and ages. If you're planning a bathroom remodel to aging in place, it is a different type of remodeling than one undertaken for merely aesthetic purposes. That's not to say that aging in place bathroom remodeling can't be aesthetically beautiful. It simply means that the choices you make will incorporate safety and independence for aging homeowners along with ease of use. For older homeowners, a walk in or low threshold shower is a smart choice. Both the lower threshold and the shower entry width are mutually important for accessibility. This will allow those using any mobile device like a wheelchair or walker to safely enter the shower.
Certainly there are many upgrades available when planning a bathroom transformation. A custom tub shower conversion for the replacement of the tub with a new walk in or roll in shower can create a bold look but will run you around $13,000. There are no spending limits for bathroom remodels. You can plan on spending around $12,000 to $15,000 for a hall bath remodel. The price tag can approach or exceed $35,000 for a complete master suite remodel. The type of fixtures and building components chosen along with the labor will compose the overall cost of the remodeling project.
The fastest growing segment of the residential remodeling industry is home modifications for aging in place and ADA accessibility. David L. Traut, CAPS the owner of T-Square Company in Austin, Texas is one of the select group of professionals nationwide to earn the Certified Aging-In-Place Specialist (CAPS) designation, identifying him as a home remodeler and builder with the skills and knowledge necessary to remodel or modify a home to meet the unique needs of the older population, disabled owners, or their visitors.
We here at T-Square Company know that quality and customer service has always been at the heart of our mission. We often go above and beyond making sure your new shower meets all your requirements for luxury, style, functionality, and safety. To get the process of replacing your old tub with a beautiful new shower started today, just give us a call at 512-444-0097 or fill out one of our online contact forms to request a free no obligation consultation. We offer a complete design/build service to our customers.
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Most people remember how the old style bathtub/shower combination was a standard part of any bathroom design. Some residential showering areas were enclosed using the multicolored vinyl shower curtain option while others had bypassing or sliding shower doors on tracks. The doors were framed with either chrome or gold colored aluminum matching the sliding tracks. Modern bathroom designs have become much more sophisticated because the many available bathroom products are easier to be discovered by the homeowner. There are millions of pictures representing fine bathroom upgrades or kitchen remodeling all across the internet.
Tub To Shower Conversions
Young Austin homeowners are always looking for ways to bring their existing older home's bathrooms up to date. Bathroom remodels for these smaller baths can incorporate a number of the items listed above in moderation to fit any budget. Using beautiful ceramic tiles in an interesting design, updating plumbing fixtures, and the use of neutral colors can create a small bathroom with a "wow" factor. It is quite possible to produce a small but charmingly remodeled bath on a budget. A project that is affordable plus the fact that it will add resale value to your home cannot be denied. Check out all the options before committing to a plan and then stick to it. Always hire a local and professional builder. Remember that producing change orders because no one thought of "that" can be expensive. Create the style for your Austin bathroom remodel that best gives you a feeling of pride!
What about the costs involved? In general, typically projects undergoing Austin bathroom remodeling can run you about $16,000. However a large master bathroom makeover can push up your budget to around $26,000 as an average. Don't forget that these are average costs and the client is limited only by their bank account totals. Just the conversion of a tub into a walk in shower design can set you back around $9,000 as a good medium price range. But what makes the costs appear so expensive? Basically time, the difficulty of the job and the actual labor costs performed by all the trades involved plus the expenses for purchasing the products chosen to complete the project.
If you are benefited by having a larger space to deal with there will be increased costs due to the larger area to finish -as in more tiles for a bigger area and the labor to install them. Your costs may go down per square foot but you are certainly dealing with more square feet and increased costs. You need to consider that plumbers, electricians, tile setters, framers, drywall workers, carpenters, and insulation installers, just to name a few trades, will be involved in your bathroom remodel. Now how about the demolition that will be involved before the actual construction begins? Sometimes the preparations behind the scenes take longer than building the new bathroom remodel itself. Perhaps there isn't enough water volume to supply your chosen bathroom fixtures requiring a pipe to be upgraded or there just isn't sufficient fall for a gravity drain to work naturally that necessitates a lift pump system be installed. What are the new electrical requirements and layout and do these require dedicated or GFI circuits and will the existing electrical panel handle the new circuit breakers?
Considering a new walk in shower design? You can design the space so it doesn't require a door for splash protection or you can take the route of a clean looking frameless glass shower enclosure. This will surely set you back at least $700. The end result will be a sophisticated clean look of beauty enclosing your new shower. Whether the door sits upon a curb or you have a specific need for a curbless situation you will be satisfied with your choice.
Let's say your tile choices include glass and marble instead of ceramic or porcelain and you choose to accent your bath with a glass block design. All these premium finishing choices will drive up your project's bottom line well above the averaged costs mentioned above as a rule of thumb.
Proper lighting is always an important aspect to be installed during a bathroom remodel. It can be broken down by task. Recessed cylindrical can lighting is used today to provide the overall luminescence for the room. Trims with lenses can be installed above baths and showers by code to brighten darker areas. Light strips or single wall fixtures can be designed around the new framed beveled mirror that you have chosen. The choice of bulbs utilized is yours for now at least. Try using dimmers to control your new lighting creating mood.
Ventilation is so important when planning a bathroom upgrade because of the humidity involved. Too many times a single exhaust fan is installed above the toilet, or what is much worse, in the center of the room. Heat and humidity naturally rise and will overtake the entire room if given a chance. Today's quiet bathroom exhaust fans should be sized according to the room's air volume. They should be located above any bathing or showering facility and above the toilet. Conditioned air along with adequately sized duct work supplied by your central unit will further accentuate a pleasant feeling within the bath.
Fine cabinetry is a must for any bathroom makeover. As for the vanity, you can work your way down from the upgraded cabinet top that has been installed at the correct height for you. The vanity should have adequately accessible storage satisfying your needs. Incorporating easy operating and properly sized drawers and pull out shelves within the design can be very beneficial. Linen, medicine, and "over the potty" wall cabinets need to be well thought out. The correct species of wood used for the construction of your fine cabinetry and the style of you cabinet doors are two very important factors to consider. Remember, you do have a choice and you are going to be looking at these new cabinets for a while.
Bathroom plumbing fixture choices are numerous to say the least. Select reputable companies offering the best warranties especially when considering finishes used on control valve trims and the fixtures installed in the project. Larger walk in shower designs should have seamless fiberglass liners to avoid leaks if the house ever shifts. Using natural stone or glass tiles while additionally designing in glass blocks will certainly be an upgrade.
Colors for bathrooms today are natural and earthy creating a calming effect. Accents of color reflected from the tiles, paint, fixtures, and woodwork are used to make things a little more interesting compared to the room's overall vanilla tones within your design. Help is just a phone call away but be sure the one who answers has the qualified experience you need for completing your new bathroom transformation.
Bathroom Remodel Contractor
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