Let's face it, we all need accessible homes at some time in our lives. It can be a temporary or a permanent need. This situation is consistent whether it's for ourselves, a family member, or a guest. The need is certainly not driven by age but is a result of life's experience. Any family living with a disability among its generations within its group can always benefit from additional accessibility, increasing safety and independence for all involved as they go through life needing elder living solutions. Acknowledging this vital societal need for challenged homeowners is why T-Square Company has offered Dripping Springs home modification services for over 25 years as one of Dripping Springs Aging in Place contractors. We access your living environment for greater accessibility and formulate a custom design/build solution around your specific needs.
There are three categories of Aging in Place customers. Those who are simply and wisely planning for their futures to remain in their present homes. The second category concerns those who know they have a chronic medical disorder and need to prepare in advance for accessibility issues resulting from their diseases, like M.S. or ALS. People with conditions constantly causing increased physical or mental changes to their being are a good representative of this second group. The final category comprises people with progressive chronic health problems or those surviving a life-altering tragedy. The extreme conditions severely alter their mobility.
Disability is a complex phenomenon representing an interaction between one's physical impairments, the activities one needs to perform, and the architectural barriers within the space in which this situation occurs. The terminology and jargon used for disabilities evolve regularly, whereas "handicapped" is no longer acceptable. It is no longer merely a description of intellectual or physical impairments. Each individual with similar impairments describes their limitations differently. The blind don't experience their world the same as a person with deafness. Some statistics weighing into Aging in Place situations include reports stating that 19% of the population between the ages of 16 and 64 and 42% of those of us 65 and over have a physical disability affecting the activities of their daily lives. Professional Aging in Place home remodeling in Dripping Springs for a progressive condition comes into play. This procedure is the only way to ensure safety and mobility for the homeowner or family member requiring the home modifications. The two main groups driving this Aging in Place market are those people who are 65 and over and the baby boomers. The first group reached 55 million in 2020. The baby boomer generation born between 1946 and 1965 today makes up 28% of the U.S. population and some 77 million people.
Modifications of existing homes using aging-in-place services are essential because people aged 50 and older want to remain in their current homes for as long as possible. Aging in place design in Dripping Springs should only be done by a CAPS-certified remodeling company providing Aging in Place services. This procedure is the only way to ensure that the home modifications are the right choices to satisfy your needs. There is no need to waste money only to discover that an inexperienced and non-qualified remodeling company did the wrong alterations. Always check their credentials to verify that the remodeler holds a CAPS certification. All registered CAPS program graduates and their remodeling companies appear listed in a national registry in Washington. You can find the information by simply visiting nahb.org/CAPS.
T-Square Company, located at 14141 Highway 290 West, provides a means for our customers to remain in their homes for as long as possible through certified Aging in Place design. Gaining accessibility is the key component. Let us help you design and build a new accessible awareness for your existing home. Aging in Place home modifications in Dripping Springs can show you how an accessible route will give you access to any part of your home, no matter what your mobility situation is or will become. For obvious reasons, the bathroom and kitchen are the rooms most affected by a lack of accessibility when aging in place is a concern.
We can handle any remodeling project and focus on collaborative, client-centered solutions. We are not afraid to think outside the box for solutions that meet our client's needs. We are a company with extensive experience in physical and occupational therapy as well as construction, remodeling, and design. Our Dripping Springs Aging in Place services includes individualized assessments, architectural design, interior design, accessible remodeling & construction, wheelchair lifts & ramps, stairlifts, residential/commercial elevators, ceiling transfer lifts, and other simple solutions such as grab bar & railing installations.
Please call T-Square Company for all your CAPS (#1636580) building and remodeling needs!
David L. Traut, owner/president