People tend to use these two terms interchangeably. This isn't necessarily true even though they both play a part in aging in place. As a CAPS certified aging in place specialist, we can show you how each term applies to your home at the proper time. The existing built environment can create opportunities or constraints for seniors to participate in social and productive activities. Universally designed spaces are more easily accessed and used by a spectrum of people without specialized adaptations later. You can fill out the form below to improve and begin to understand the next or future accessible chapter in your life.
If you are going to update or remodel your home anyway, why not plan for the future? Plan ahead for disabilities that can come at any time of your life and avoid massive remodels and home modifications for increased accessibility. Make living your life seamless when it comes to accessibility within your home. A little fore thought providing some extra room to maneuver within your home is good for everyone under any circumstances without regard to age or ability. Incorporate universal design into your remodeling projects over time like:
Aging in place is not age related or just for older inhabitants. Debilitating diseases or life changing events; if for only a short recuperation time, can force you into making your home more accessible. Perhaps in a multi-generational situation, an elder has mobility issues requiring instant modifications before they can move in or maybe they just want the opportunity to visit you safely. It is a known fact that the built environment negatively impacts older adults by creating barriers to maintain a continued engagement with life. Aging in places advantages are:
Here are some examples of common universal design elements that are also often incorporated into Aging in Place remodels…
Aging in place design is mostly used for homeowners who require home modifications to allow them to remain in the home safely and comfortably as they age and their physical abilities change over time. Universal design is a much broader term covering the design of products and environments that are usable by all members of the household, from the youngest to the oldest, to the largest extent possible, without the need for further alterations, adaptations, or specialized design. Universal Design provides a pathway to seamlessly age in place. It is truly thinking ahead when it comes to accommodating the living environment.
Universal Design/Build projects and Aging in place home modifications are available through T-Square Company in the Austin area. We have an A plus rating with the local BBB and have over 30 years of remodeling experience. We are a certified aging in place specialist offering complete aging in place services. Each design/build situation will be customized to fit your personal needs to increase your accessibility. Call 512-444-0097 today to begin the accessible second chapter of your life while remaining safe and secure in your existing home. CAPS #1636580
David L. Traut, CAPS T-Square Company